So its been like over 2 mnths since my last post - Im sure eveyone has given up , but, Ill do better.
So how have things been in Burlington you ask? BUSY ! Thanks to all of our customers and new friends for hanging int with us . Its all very promising, we are continuing to expand and grow and add inventory -as well as fix the shop up by adding displays and other cool stuff. If you havent been in lately, you need to check out Vulcan Blvd. - A.K.A. - cruiser land. A local artist Skee - - did us a sweet street secene mural, that along with some other cool touches have really woken up our cruiser corner.
So what else is going on ? We have gotten a bike night going with the best Mexican place here in Burlington , Wholly Guacamole - every Tuesday night we meet at the shop , take a short ride through the country and wind up @ the resturant at about 8 to watch Two Wheel Tuedsay on thier big screen. If your ever in the area its a good time on tuesday night.
We recently attended a NESBA trackday @ Carolina Motorsports Park in Kershaw SC. and a good time was had by all- well except Matt who had tire issues ( wink,wink). We were joined by Keven ( our sales dude ), Brett and John ( great regular customers - even if Brett rides a RC51 )as well as Amy and myself. As the day went on I came to a couple of things - 1. Hot weather and humidity are not for me and 2. Anyone who can ride a ZX10r to its fullest potential is a God. Thats bike is simply awseome ! Crazy ammounts of speed everywhere with more to spare - I never got out of 4th gear the whole day ! Its a awesome bike ! It really makes mt appericate the skills of the Hayden boys all the more .
So, other than that not alot else has changed - Just busy times. Ill post some pics of the wall and I will do a better job of keeping the posts up - Thaks for checking in and back !